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bodywork stuff

The Naga Center in Portland is a school for traditional Thai medicine, run by my teacher Nephyr Jacobsen. Nephyr is an amazing teacher and bodyworker and the Naga Center offers weekend workshops and five day intensives on Thai massage, cupping, scraping, herbs, Thai language classes…and study trips to Thailand.




Seven Peppercorns, by Nephyr Jacobsen. Since Nephyr is my Thai Medicine teacher…I’m a bit biased. But, if you want an amazing book on Thai bodywork – and an overview of how bodywork fits in Traditional Medicine – this book is for you.



Thai Herbal


Thai Herbal Medicine, by Nephyr Jacobsen & Pierce Salguero. Theory, application, history, recipes – if you want to start (or continue) using topical herbs in your bodywork practice, this book is invaluable. Compresses, liniments, balms – and formulas for self care.





 Qigong Massage, by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming. An absolutely fantastic resource if you’re just starting out with bodywork, or have been working bodies for years. YMAA puts out top-notch instructional and informational books and DVDs, and this is one my favorites.





Yojokun, by Kaibara Ekiken (translated by William Scott Wilson). A collection of observations and advice from a 17th century Samurai physician. If you can find a copy put out by Kodansha, USA…pick it up. It’s a lovely book, and a lovely read.





The Demon’s Sermon on the Martial Arts, by Issai Chozanshi (translated by William Scott Wilson). Couched in a story of a swordsman seeking advice from the Tengu, this is a great little book about training and cultivating skill. One of my all time favorites.





Xingi Nei Gong, by Tim Cartmell. The section on the 16 Health Exercises is fantastic for self care, and the individual exercises are great to help clients restore mobility and strength to recovering joints.