Sunday January 5, 2025 | 10am-1:00pm (Pacific)
4 CEs Ethics/Communications/Boundaries
1 CE Cultural Competency
pre-registration required, $108
class is being held over Zoom
This class will look at boundaries in a very physical, tangible way – identifying your center, working from center, and troubleshooting when things start to stray. While this work has some definite physical advantages (efficient use of force, minimizing strain for the bodyworker, maintaining the health of your soft tissue & joints), our focus will be on refining the information you’re getting from your own body and the body you’re working on. While clearly maintaining your own space.
We’ll be using some practices from Reusi Dat Ton to dig into this work. Reusi Dat Ton roughly translates to: the Reusi/Thai spiritual ascetic adjusts him/herself. So while this won’t be a deep dive into Thai medicine or bodywork, you’ll definitely get a taste.
What you will need for this class:
- a few square feet of quiet, distraction-free space
- a copy of David Wells’ book
- a comfortable blanket or cushion to sit on
- computer (with camera & microphone) & Zoom
Part of this class includes some homework that you’ll need to do before we meet up on Zoom. About an hour of reading, and about an hour of practice (these hours are included in the CE total). So give yourself plenty of time before the 5th to acquire a copy of the book and the time to read & practice.
Class will not be recorded – Naj (Naga Center in Gresham) has a great writeup on why, but the short version: we want to create a safe comfortable environment where you can speak freely, ask the weirdest questions, and know that it won’t end up on social media.
Contact Jim Madras (LMT #7853) to register:
email –
text – (541) 579-6663