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Cupping | Colds & Flu

One Day Workshop | 7 CEs for Oregon LMTs
Friday, January 18 | 9:30 am – 5:30 pm | $140

In this workshop you’ll learn two different cupping sequences – to help in preventing, and aid the recovery of, colds and flu. Easy to learn and quick to perform (a full treatment can last 10-20 minutes), no cupping or bodywork experience is necessary. This is the perfect workshop for those wishing to dive into the world of cupping.

coldWhile we’ll be learning with traditional fire cups, the same sequences can be used with the more modern plastic, squeeze bulb, and silicone cups. But, once you experience the glass fire cups…chances are good they will become the tools of choice.

Workshop material will include:

  • safety for the client and practitioner
  • effects of cupping treatments
  • safely working with fire cups
  • moving/sliding cupping sequence
  • intermittent/flash cupping sequence
  • post treatment care

We’ll also spend some time on the tell-tale cupping marks – what they are, and what they mean. And how you can use them to determine treatment and post treatment strategies.

All cupping materials will be provided, and cupping kits will be available for purchase after the workshop. This workshop will give you lots of hands on experience, and the confidence to perform an effective treatment that feels wonderful.


Workshop will be held at The Emerald Acupuncture Center. No previous bodywork experience is necessary, pre-registration required. Workshop taught by Jim Madras, LMT #7853.

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