group & private
In addition to the study options below, any of the workshops can be made available for a group you put together. Happy to travel to your location depending on class size. Get in touch to find out more.
One of the best and easiest ways to learn new material is to set up your own study group – a bunch of folks interested in the same thing that can get together for a private class or workshop, and continue studying and practicing together. Study groups tend to progress rapidly and dig deeply into the material.
The study group has been my favorite method of study- both as a student and as a teacher. Setting up such a group is easy, and a great way to focus on the material you or your group is interested in.
The study group format is ideal for:
- Individuals or small groups with a specific goal. For instance, groups dealing with specific chronic pain issues; qigong, taijiquan, or bodywork to support other areas of study; people who regularly train together.
- Deeper study in a particular skill.
- Couples or training partners that would like to incorporate massage into their regimin.
- Anyone who is unable to commit to an on-going class.
- LMTs in need of CEs.
While private lessons have the advantage of individualized attention and focus, they do lack the benefits of learning in a group situation. Training partners are invaluable when undertaking any kind of study – and the study group combines the strong points of the private lesson and the group class.
Call or email for more information…
[Starting your own study group is actually quite easy.]
Why should I take private lessons?
Participation in group classes is a good way to learn the basic choreography of a form and the fundamentals of Tai Chi or Qigong. But if our group-class schedule doesn’t match yours, private lessons allow you to study at your convenience. And if you are unable to commit to on-going classes of progressive group study, private lessons keep you current with the year’s coursework. Possibly your pace of learning or style of learning is better suited to individual lessons. Or if the standard content of the group lessons is not what you prefer to study at that time, then private lessons can be the way to meet your personal preferences.
Private lessons help you develop greater understanding of many aspects of study. Ultimately, private lessons are essential for those who wish to advance to higher levels.
Am I ready to take a private lesson?
Individualized instruction is recommended for all students of all levels, at various points during your studies, including beginners. You can get help with learning moves and suggestions for improved personal practice. The longer you have studied, the better benefit to you from a private lesson. For more experienced students, private lessons are particularly appropriate. A personalized lesson with a perceptive teacher is one of the best ways to accelerate your learning progress, whatever your level.
What can I expect during a private lesson?
Each lesson is an individualized exchange between you and the instructor. The lessons provide an opportunity for you to clarify a few movements or entire sections of the routine; to request specific personal feedback about movements or principles; and to inquire about other areas or studies that are of particular interest to you. You also may begin to study any routine or weapon privately rather than in a group.
The instructor addresses your questions and concerns; provides specific or general information about postures, movements, principles, form or theory; gives corrections; introduces suggestions for further work; helps with deeper understanding concepts of internal development; explains applications or techniques. Private lessons are intended to make you more comfortable with where you are now and to prepare you for advanced study.
How do I prepare for a private lesson?
You might have some ideas for the content of your lesson, either specific or general. It’s helpful if you mention these when you make the appointment, but not necessary, and you can change your request at any time. The instructor can help you determine the content. The lesson begins and ends on time.
Can I combine private lessons and group classes?
Students in group classes may add a private lesson to your studies as often as you wish. It’s recommended that you take one private lesson every other month in your study.
How can I schedule a private lesson?
You can schedule a single lesson or a series of lessons, followed with regular or occasional sessions. Day and time may be arranged as mutually convenient to student and instructor. Make an appointment for your personal session by phone, e-mail, or in person.
Email Jim for information on private or semi-private lessons.