Cupping & Scraping | Communications
Sunday May 19, 2024 | 10am-12:30pm (Pacific)
4 contact CE hours – Ethics/Communications
1 contact CE hour – Cultural Competency
pre-registration required, $108
class is being held over Zoom
Explaining the tell-tale marks from cupping and scraping (khoodt, gua sha, cao gio) can be a daunting task. In this workshop we’ll focus on simple and efficient ways to help your client understand these sometimes mysterious markings, what they mean, and how to care for them.
This workshop is designed for LMTs who already use cupping or scraping, are planning on adding these therapies to their practice – or for bodyworkers who have patients that receive treatments elsewhere, and want to understand the markings.
Material will include:
- A general overview of how Traditional Medicine systems look at anatomy, physiology, and pathology – and how this relates to your practice.
- How Traditional Medicine understandings affect patient intake, informed consent, treatment, and post treatment care.
- Explaining marks to patients, patients’ family members, and other health care professionals – including verbal, written, and visual tools.
- Some general guidelines for using the markings strategically during a session, how they can inform subsequent sessions – and the importance of clear communication with your patient during the whole process.
This class meets the requirements for 4 supervised/contact CEs for Oregon LMTs for the Ethics/Communications category, and 1 contact CE for the Cultural Competency requirement – and includes 2 ½ hours of preparatory reading, and 2 ½ hours of classroom time.
Upon registration, you’ll be sent a Zoom link and some pre-workshop reading. You’ll need a Zoom account (free), a working camera & mic, a distraction-free space, and a tasty beverage of your choice.
This class will not be recorded, and students are encouraged to bring any and all questions and examples from their practice – the weirder the better.

No previous bodywork experience is necessary, pre-registration required. Workshop taught by Jim Madras, LMT #7853.